Bio-One answers the call to help our community and remediate a variety of scenes. From hoarding, crime scene cleaning, or simply giving back, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do.
Here is this week's Weekly Wrap-Up.
INC. 5000
Inc. Magazine revealed that Bio-One, Inc. is No. 2,476 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.
“We’re honored to be recognized in the Inc. 5000,” said Brian Brinegar, president of Bio-One Inc. “The ranking is a direct reflection of our business model, and Bio-One’s unique ability to consistently deliver essential services with care and compassion.”
Read more in our recent blog post announcing this exciting news.
In partnership with the Red Cross, over 25 blood donors signed up to give blood in Orange County at the Bio-One and TIP blood drive.
According to the Red Cross, just one donation can save up to three lives! That's up to 75 lives saved from this selfless event. Truly an example of Help First.

As a sponsor of the National Law Enforcement Museum and Memorial, we were thrilled to learn more about the Post-9/11 exhibit through a virtual kick-off event.
Speakers pulled back the curtain on the behind-the-scenes conversations that go into crafting an exhibit about the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and life since. To view the conversation, click the video below or visit the Bio-One Facebook page.
Stay tuned for more exiting updates as the opening gets closer!